Sunday, November 30, 2008

Please stand by for developing news

No baby yet, but the plan is to arrive at the hospital Monday morning at 6:45 to begin the induction process. My wonderful sister will give updates on my behalf (thank you Ming!).

Davis asked this evening, "I know you don't KNOW when the baby will get here, but what is your prediction?" (I love it when he uses grown-up words.) And I told him that my prediction is 5pm. So, we shall see how close I come to being right. Believe-you-me, I hope it happens sooner.

You can join me in praying that the hospital has room to keep me (you know how they do that annoying thing of turning non-laboring women away in order to accommodate those pesky women who go into labor all by themselves). And I am also praying that the baby comes through the delivery safe and sound.

Hopefully the next post you read from me will be from my sister!


Brenda Scott said...

Hurry baby! Hurry baby! I know the womb is nice and cozy and warm (ok, I assume!), but you're gonna love your mommy, your daddy, and your three big brothers! Come out, come out! :)

Diane said...

How exciting! I bet you have this baby earlier than 5:00PM. It seems the more you have, the faster they come.
Sleep well tonight. :)

Wilson Family said...

Yipee! I can't wait!

Pate Family said...

I hope you already asleep and are resting great tonight. I'll be thinking of you and praying all day- and checking your blog. Thanks Meagan!