That's Mizithra Cheese over a plate of spaghetti noodles at The Ol Factory, baby!
My favorite dessert: I do wish the Spag Factory served Mile High Mud Pie

Yeah, and by God's grace, an airline pilot picked me up and drove me straight to my destination (a quick but frightening trip as I contemplated how vulnerable I was.)
Something stupid I did today:
(I burned my finger.)
I singed the epidermis of my left index felangy, dorsal side, perhaps in the hyperaemia zone (ha! like I know what I am talking about). Incidentally, the pics that pop up when you type in "burn hand cooking" in Google are extremely graphic. Makes my little white mark look pretty pathetic. But try typing without that finger. It's not an easy task. Poor me.
A favorite movie

and one chapter a night before Davis heads to bed in:
On deck:

but I am tempted to slip in "A Wrinkle In Time" first...


Now you know a little bit about me... how about you?
Is that a...violin?! Let me tell you, it's a wonderful instrument! Of course, I'm biased. : )
I love this post! So, are you a nikon girl?
Welllll, I suppose I could be a Nikon girl. Someday I might just have to find out!
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