Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An Ode to Picky Eaters

We ran into this little poem while reading from our Winnie-The-Pooh Storybook Treasury. Tonight I dedicate it to Davis, Ainsley and all the other picky eaters out there.

What shall we do about poor little Tigger?
If he never eats nothing he'll never get bigger.
He doesn't like honey and haycorn and thistles
Because of the taste and because of the bristles.
And all the good things which an animal likes
Have the wrong sort of swallow or too many spikes.
But whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, and ounces,
He always seems bigger because of his bounces.

A.A. Milne
"Tigger Comes to the Forest and Has Breakfast"

1 comment:

Pate Family said...

Do you think we could get this sweet little poem made into a sign we could hang in our kitchens?! I love it...